Design thinking, with its Turkish equivalent, is design-oriented thinking; It is a type of approach that people who do research in the field of UX have come across quite often lately.
This approach was first introduced in 1969 by a Nobel laureate named Herbert Simon. In the next process, versions were produced by different people or different institutions. These versions are similar to each other in general terms and basic logic.

What Does Design thinking Meaning?
The design-oriented thinking approach aims to reach the product, the benefit through the product, and the design through the benefit, by focusing on the individuals, and the approach processes continue to be implemented until the highest efficiency to be achieved is achieved.
One of the most important architects of the design thinking approach is Tim Brown, who is the CEO of the company named IDEO. In his statement on the subject of design-oriented thinking, he made the following statements.
“Design thinking; It is a people-centred approach to creating innovation that leverages the designer’s methods to combine the requirements, the possibilities of technology and the needs of people for business success.”
Starting from here, with design thinking;
- It is possible to make a difference in the existing processes, that is, to innovate.
- Business needs are met.
- By using design methods, the needs of people and even users in general are met.
- Empathy is done. For example, when using design methods, the issues of who or which users need what are taken into consideration.
- When the process is completed, the solutions obtained are tested with users, and as a result, it is aimed to reach the most appropriate and most useful solution.

How is design thinking applied?
Design thinking is not a magical approach. For this reason, it will not be enough to learn the methods taught in the trainings on this subject or to adopt the process alone. However, in order to make this permanent and productive, it would be beneficial to participate in various trainings or to apply it in real projects after workshops.
What are the stages of design thinking application?
Before expressing the stages of the design thinking approach, it is necessary to say that this system is an iterative, that is, iterative and non-linear process.
There are 4 different stages of design thinking practice, but these stages are stated as 3 in some sources and as 5 in some sources. These stages do not have to come one after the other, so there is no need for follow-up. Depending on the need obtained from one stage to the next, it is possible to switch to the next or even go back to the beginning.
- Empathy stage
At this point, it is aimed to gain an understanding by establishing empathy for the problem that is tried to be solved. Empathy is created in order to understand the experiences and motivating factors of the person in the user position.
- Identification phase
At this point, the information created and collected in the empathy part is brought together and then the analysis is done. This will solve the main problem. The most important thing to note here is; the user’s needs are not ignored.
- Idea generation phase
This phase is a continuation of the previous phases. Ideas are produced in order to define the needs of the user and to solve the problem. Different ideas may emerge.
- Prototyping phase
This stage can be described as the solution stage. It is aimed to reach the most accurate and best solution by focusing on the problem identified in the previous stages. The solution prototypes created are tested on users.
- Evaluation phase
This stage is the evaluation stage by using the feedback known as feedback received about previous processes. Depending on the results of the evaluations, improvements and, if necessary, adjustments are made. The new solution obtained will be subjected to the test phase again.

When is design thinking applied?
If you are in an environment where design, production and development are carried out and there are decisions to be made in these areas; In addition, if you have a desire to evaluate alternative options, the design thinking approach is ideal for you. Because the design thinking approach; It is sustainable, cyclical and an approach that every individual can adopt and adopt.
What are the features of the design thinking approach?
Design thinking approach;
- It can be adapted and applied to individual projects with very small budgets.
- It requires a lot of research. Because only the training or workshop application will not be enough. Practice and exercise are also essential.
- After progress has been made, it can be applied easily and efficiently, especially in the areas of design development and analysis.
- It is an approach that requires extra attention for decisions of a visual nature. The use of colored post-it papers or templates may cause the perception that design thinking is only suitable for visual content.
- It has many methods for different different stages. These methods may vary depending on the area to be used or applied.

Why is design thinking so important today?
Today, the world is becoming more interconnected and complex in every field day by day. On the other hand, the design thinking approach; It is a human-centered approach. Design thinking approach is used not only by design teams, but also by different business areas in very different sectors almost all over the world, to evaluate and deal with complex, uncertain and ill-defined problems. The biggest reason for this is; its basis is human and human needs. Thus, it becomes possible to listen and produce creative solutions to problems by using out-of-the-box methods.
Especially in the last few years, the design thinking approach has become more popular and widespread. Especially in the last few years, the design thinking approach has become more popular and widespread. In fact, many world-famous universities are trying to explain that it can be used in every business field by giving trainings in this field.
Which companies use the design thinking approach?
Design thinking approach;
- Apple
- Uber
- Airbnb
- Nike
- Lego
- Philips
- Intuit
- General Electric
- Deutsche Bank
- Starbucks
- Coca Cola
- Ford
- Target
- Proctor & Gamble
It is used in all units of many world-famous brands and companies.
An exemplary case that can be given to the design thinking approach
Japanese bicycle and bicycle parts manufacturer Shimano, which has a presence in sizable markets around the world, realized in 2004 that their US market fascination was falling, and that this decline would hurt the company. After that, he decided to handle and solve the problem using the design thinking approach. Acted with a team of designers, marketers, engineers and behavioral scientists formed by consultants. This team; He began researching why Shimano bikes were no longer popular in the US. Afterwards;
- Cost issue
- Disappointment in experiencing the product
- care needs
- They determined that there were problems such as the amount of malfunction. As a result of these problems, it is directed to a brand new market; they decided to lure consumers into a new category of bikes that they could enjoy just as they had in their childhood.
If you want to learn more about design thinking, you can reach the article of the interaction design organization, which can be considered important in this field, on the subject.